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On the Pist

You've been looking forward to this May weekend for weeks: A moped trip with your mates. Today the time has finally come to get the bike out of the garage, oiled, polished, refuelled and packed. Finally, very importantly, you load your BEER BOX onto the luggage rack. Not only is your beer in there, it will also serve as a fire basket, barbecue and seat for you while camping at Plansee in Tyrol.

You hear Markus rattling up the driveway, your best friend since primary school days. The others are not long in coming. One last high-five, then you start the engines. The sun is above the mountains in the blue sky, big, orange and wonderfully kitschy. Today, the journey is the destination as you roar along the country road to Austria - into a weekend with friends, fire, meat and beer.

Friends for life

The evening dawns as you set up your resting place on a gravel bank overlooking the beautiful Plansee. You enjoy the scenery, but only briefly, because it's time for the essentials: so the beers out and the firewood in the BEER BOX. While the corks pop (the BEER BOX has a practical integrated bottle opener), the first flames burst out of the steel basket. "There's something magical about fire," you think to yourself as you sit around the BEER BOX, toasting with the ice-cold beer and telling each other stories. Which ones? You don't tell, because what happens at Plansee stays at Plansee. But while you look at these people you've known for so long through the wavering of the fire, you realise once again that there's nothing better than good friends.

Revelling in momories

The fire in the BEER BOX has now turned into a perfect ember carpet. With the right grill, the BEER BOX is transformed into a barbecue in no time at all, which you fill with the steaks you've brought along. While the meat sizzles (it smells good ...), you talk shop about marinades, spice mixtures and sauces. Of course, everyone has their own personal, only true recipe and everyone else has no idea.

You laugh and eat while the sun slowly sinks into the lake. You add wood, the fire in the BEER BOX warms you. You reminisce deep into the night, tell wild stories of your youth and fool around. In the morning, you crawl out of your sleeping bags a little crumpled, but as you toast each other with steaming coffee, you all agree: from now on, we'll go out at least once a year with the mopeds!